Friday, June 08, 2007

come on! jump on the 'knocked up' bandwagon

this movie is the mother f-in word on the street (streets). the 2nd coming of the 40-year old virgin cast, the grey's anatomy star, oh the cuteness/coolness! i saw it last weekend (opening day to be exact), and it was good for a few laughs, but not hilarious and no where near the laughs that ensued throughout 40 year old. NEWSFLASH: ben greenman, author of 'Superbad' attacked the lovable pot-head old school style- through a typed letter (that has an older school look to it, appearing to be typed by a typewriter, whoa). Seth's new movie, (no, not 'cracked up, the story of an 80 yr old new dad who is a drug dealer') but a movie awesomely titled 'Superbad.' Whoa. obviously this name has a greater meaning in Ben Greenman's life and we might never know about. but check out his correspondence to Seth (posted on Gawker). click here to keep truckin' on that 'knocked up' bandwagon... and here for more KU scandal!

Ben Greenman Attacks Seth Rogen

Thursday, June 07, 2007


i knew he was going to be the first to go if they had an all out war. in some ways, it was cowardly on Phil's part to off him first, because Bobby is an easy target. they even said " didn't he use to be Uncle Jun's driver?" i always thought of Bobby as too nice for the Mafia, especially the NJ/NY Mafia, and he was more of a family man than Tony or Silvio, or any of the guys for that matter, were. i couldn't even watch the entire killing of Bobby, it was too sad, but i knew he was going to be an easy target because he always seems so inattentive and oblivious.

and Silvo! he's in critical condition, the poor guy! i can't help but feel like i'm losing some family members (some of them remind me of my family). one more episode left, one more time to see who gets whacked. will it be a shoot down on a construction site? a shoot out in the streets of NJ or upstate NY?

my prediction: The crews with meet up, after most of their men have been killed off, Tony and Pauly wing-tips Walnuts will be the last men standing and Phil and some no-namers. Pauly will get killed but won't go out without a few last "OOOH! HEEEY! HEEEY-O's!" Phil and Tony will be the last 2 standing, in a sort-of western shoot out. Tony will get shot, but run away and we won't know what happens to him. i think it will end ambiguously as to what his condition is, but Carmela and the family, who are in hiding, will get a call from him (not clear if he is dying or in a bad condition, but will live), and then, black-out, the END.

top 10 Sopranos moments (plus check out the family photo album)

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

new skinny biatch diet: special K cereal (dry),water, exlax, piece of lettuce

oh man, breakfast skippers everywhere are going to start waking up early just to get that bowl of special K in.

Skipping breakfast has more
than just mid-morning hunger
pains.A new review, published
in the NutritionBulletin
(June 2007) verified that
people who eat cereal for
breakfastregularly tend to have
a lower bodymass index (BMI) and
are less likelyto be overweight
than those who do not eat cereal
for breakfast regularly.

[source: PR newswire]
the world just tipped over(Al Gore, you were right); pigs are flying; hell is colder than sh*t; the fat lady just sang a 3 hour remix of Tupac's 'all eyes on me' double disc.

Kellogg's new Special K commercial shows 2 hip and trendy roomies getting ready to leave for work - the first one (wearing a red shirt, obvs!) grabs her coffee and you hear her stomach growl (the usual hunger pang sound from a stomach of a 20-something that skips breakfast, you know), and FREEZE FRAME! hold up girl, didn't you know, studies show that those skinny bitches that eat breakfast in the morning are even skinnier than the skinny bitches who don't eat breakfast (just water and maybe coffee). and guess what? you can be skinnier than your roomie who just walked in! hah, listen to her stomach, it's growling for some Special K, but you're the one who knows that eating breakfast guarantees that you'll be skinnier than her, so hell no are you going to tell her that eating breakfast is a weight loss trick! hell no!

i love cereal. sweet.

"err, shhh, crsssssh, you're breaking up!"

you've probably done that before or had someone do it you. you're thinking: "i've got to get out of this conversation. did i just pick up the phone? i should have screened the call! who is this guy? if i hear one more thing about her break-up i'm going to lose it! i'm not even listening. what time is it? who am i talking to again? wait a second....crsssssssh, errrssssssh hello! i can't hear you? are you there? my phone's breaking up, i'll call you back."

save your sound effects for story telling time. i've got the gadget for you, you poor soul who always gets conned into pointless, annoying, confrontational phone calls -


including these sounds: police siren, loud noise, baby crying, door bell, knock at door and car crash.

get your excuses here

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

the Ann Curry effect

i'll admit it, i am addicted to the Today Show. it has to be on in the morning, if GMA is on in the gym and i can't change the channel, i get pretty pissy, especially because Charles Gibson and Diane Sawyer make me feel all uptight in the morning. i need my Matt and Meredith, Al and well, I could do without Ann Curry. everytime she gets a chance to get out behind that news desk, she always screws everything up and usually my morning doesn't start off right because 1. she's so fake with her lean over in her chair to talk down to the interviewee's level style 2. her "skepticism" (she says "well, i'm a skeptic" about 50 times during the course of the show and her interviews) and 3. her ability to offend everyone she interviews.

things i do enjoy are when she tries to overshadow Meredith or Matt when they give her extra segments or interviews, like the one with Angelina in Africa, and most of the time they just ignore her and her wanting to become the next Couric. get back behind that news desk and tell us some serious ground breaking news, i don't want to hear you interview Bindi the Croc Hunter's daughter or the Hoff, it's just gut wrenching.

and so, I have decided, when Meredith is out of town and they give her interviews and segments to Ann, the Curry Effect takes over the entire show! much like when David Gregory subs for Matt and makes a complete fool of himself (all 6 ft. 5 of him), at least you can laugh at him, with the Ann Curry Effect, everyone is not safe. she will humiliate Martha Stewart, patronize the Hoff, make a suicidal teen feel even more "at risk" and the offend Al, Campbell and Matt all in a day's work.

by the way, WHEN IS MEREDITH COMING BACK? i thought i could never like someone from the View, but i can't take this Curry Effect any longer.