Tuesday, March 20, 2007

headline of the day + bowel phenom all in one!

Metamucil's New Motto: Be Beautiful on the Inside

New TV ads for the company's Metamucil fiber supplement starting today carry the tagline "Beautify Your Inside" and resemble spots selling cosmetics. One shows women applying mascara, styling their hair and putting on lipstick. The first glimpse of Metamucil, in new, bright packaging, is its reflection in the mirror of a powder compact. Nowhere do the ads mention "regularity" or "constipation," as the old ones did.
[source: WSJonline]

i decided i will go there and talk about bowels today. it's so in now to discuss how and why we can't "go" and why we think it's because we ate 3 bananas, sat on our heads last night, held it in too long because we can't go at the office, drank too much soy, ate too much cheese, overloaded on fiber and it did the reverse move on you. the list
goes on. why are we obsessed with it, why do we long for Gas-X, Metamucil, Zelnorm and any other laxative that has a new ad campaign that promises "smooth moves." And NO, i am not talking about those that use laxatives for a fun new diet! (i do not recommend or endorse).

Metamucil has taken this new (and hip!) "bowel obsession" into account probably through their extensive research and realize that their target is young girls who can't "go," not the fat 70 year man who has been constipated for 5 years or your grandma who only eats prunes, but still has trouble in the b-room department.

now that you've thrown up go to the Poop Report for the #1 site for #2

humongo plane costs a few lohans and hiltons to fill up

it's really really big. it fits 555 passengers. is it safe? pop a few xanax and some qualuds, and it may be tolerable. i'll wait 5 years until i board that giant airbus. how can such a huge mother of a plane lift off, it's such a heffer of a thing. welcome the titantic of planes... the airbus A-380

those who hate flying, hate this even more!

it's been 14 days...nobody cares!

i have been busy, since my final for class was due last week, had only MARCH MADNESS on my mind(still do but am on a 2-day break) and there was really no good goss or internet finds...but i am baaaaack.

1st on my list, creepy creepy, Phil Spector(not be confused with any relation to Regina Spektor). if you don't know him, you have definitely seen his hair and this exact shot of him in court.
Accused of killing Lana Clarkson, Phil entered court this week for jury selection for his murder trial...and came in with a Barry Manilow/Ellen do...i can't decide...(random thought - do you think you can go into a hair salon now and request "The Manilow," "The Ellen," or the "Gayken?")
2nd on my list is Tara-I'm-not-as-drunk-all-the-time-as-I-use-to-be-Reid. she's opening up a fast food restaurant! like fat america needs another one, and guess what? it's not named Pink Taco as we all expected, but it's called T&A, I mean Ketchup. [source: Sky Showbiz]

3rd on my list,
Justices hear 'Bong Hits 4 Jesus' case
(CNN is great with headlines)

on my list, Barack bitch-slaps Big Hil with a '84 Apple commercial/her campaign meanderings mash-up. to che Obam, to che.

5th on this thang is some music i discovered while bumming around on Good Weather for Airstrikes, Idolator and Stereogum -- (listed in no fav order below)
-Brett Dennen - folky, great voice, you will fall in love with his lyrics
-Of Montreal - weird, UKers, electro, indie, rock out

-Citizen Cope - rockin out Colorado-style, Ben Harperish, blue moon beer drinking hipster love him (try the old stuff too, his new CD - Every Waking Moment just came out)
-Klaxons - UK, electro, half depeche mode half arcade fire, i likeeeeee
-Plan B - dirty UK eminem, lyrics tell a story, like the streets...but more raw, da da daaaamn
(Obama to Hil) - "yea, Oprah is actually on my side now."