THIS JUST IN: going GOTH wins an EMMY; so does POOP
what would you do after you found out your dad was doing a guy named 'Johnny Cakes' while wearing leather studded chaps? poop in a shower, of course. ok, i know it's a little more complicated than that...but how do you get from: Vito servicing a construction worker early in the AM, Meadow's weakling of a boyfriend witnessing it, him leaking the info to the crew, Tony and crew become ashamed and torn between what they should do with him, Pauly "eh oh!" Phil taking out his homophobic rage on Vito, Vito's kids finally finding out the truth through hear-say and rumors "butt pirate," upset and enraged Vito Jr. to goth Vito Jr. to the climax of the shower poop.
and here we are...
(click image for better view)
[source: via Variety magazine)
and here we are...

[source: via Variety magazine)