Thursday, June 07, 2007


i knew he was going to be the first to go if they had an all out war. in some ways, it was cowardly on Phil's part to off him first, because Bobby is an easy target. they even said " didn't he use to be Uncle Jun's driver?" i always thought of Bobby as too nice for the Mafia, especially the NJ/NY Mafia, and he was more of a family man than Tony or Silvio, or any of the guys for that matter, were. i couldn't even watch the entire killing of Bobby, it was too sad, but i knew he was going to be an easy target because he always seems so inattentive and oblivious.

and Silvo! he's in critical condition, the poor guy! i can't help but feel like i'm losing some family members (some of them remind me of my family). one more episode left, one more time to see who gets whacked. will it be a shoot down on a construction site? a shoot out in the streets of NJ or upstate NY?

my prediction: The crews with meet up, after most of their men have been killed off, Tony and Pauly wing-tips Walnuts will be the last men standing and Phil and some no-namers. Pauly will get killed but won't go out without a few last "OOOH! HEEEY! HEEEY-O's!" Phil and Tony will be the last 2 standing, in a sort-of western shoot out. Tony will get shot, but run away and we won't know what happens to him. i think it will end ambiguously as to what his condition is, but Carmela and the family, who are in hiding, will get a call from him (not clear if he is dying or in a bad condition, but will live), and then, black-out, the END.

top 10 Sopranos moments (plus check out the family photo album)


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