and i'm making more chapters, more chapters, more chapters
in the name of golden showers, pre-teens, midgets and the Rrr'a - TRAPPED IN THE CLOSET is back...well it debuted on Monday, Chapters 13-22, too a sort of poor opening. we have not had enough of this hip-hopera have we? i saw it live (chapters 1-12) and let me tell you, as horrible as the lyrics are and as ridiculous as the plot lines are, it takes a real performer to get through all of that dialogs ALONE...of course, the Rrr'a didn't want anyone else stealing his thunder, so he had to play all of the parts - i mean, really the only one capable of that is Eddie Murphy, and Mike Myers pulled it off in Austin Powers and So, I Married an Axe Murderer.
enjoy the re-cap of chapters 1-12 (above) as R. takes you on a trip down memory lane "through Chi-town, Chi-town, Chi-town"
note: he always repeats his last line before the chorus in 3's and the last one kind of trails's remarkable, really. (ex: "and she was tossing my salad, my salad, my salaaad" -'sex in the kitchen' from the chocolate factory album)
for more hip-hopera by the master of "i had no idea she was 12" click here