Wednesday, September 12, 2007

it's just MTV not the Grammy's...

Kanyeezy was a little tiffed the other night when he didn't win a single award after 5 nominations, at the VMAs. i mean, come on Kanye, it was the MTV one cares about those damn moon men. (see below, an exclusive bad video (good audio though) catching Kanye's backstage break down)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


is all i have to say to Britney fans, especially those that thought she was going to make a come back. talk about continuing the downward spiral. i wish the cameras at the VMAs would have spanned the crowd a little more to get the REAL reactions from the celebs watching her make a fool of herself and perform as if robotic and unamused with little or no energy, going through the motions jiggling her post baby stomach about. was she on anti-depressants? yes, pretty sure she was. was she on drugs? alcohol? a mixture of PCP, acapulco gold and acid? um, that's a positive.

i am going to keep laughing as the trailer trash keeps living out her trailer trash life in the public eye. it's a great reality show on trailer life, y'all!

look for more: rollers in her hair while doing errands. tator tot & small fry running wild in department stores and gucci, fendi, kitson & starbucks y'all! a few more "hair" incidents." some more exclusive "hot new Britney Spears" leaks that suck suck suck. K-Fed winning the custody battle and then raising the lil ones in a gold & platinum plated trailer. Britney hanging out with Andrew Dice Clay, Carrot Top, the 5th Baldwin brother, Tootie from Facts of Life and Webster at Area, the Roosevelt and Marquee.

