you know the incessent clapping at the beginning of Family Feud when you know it's about to get
wiiiiillllld? Yeah, that's the kind of clapping I'm talking about! There is a silent bitch fight going on between Nicky and Paris, and you heard it here first. Well we all know that Perez will not post anything negative about the Hiltons on his site, much less a sisterly feud, so here you go...this is my prediction:
Ok, so this is Nicky's newest genius move:
The Nicky O HotelOOOO weeeee sounds pretty F-in sweet to me. Nicky O, like Bacardi O but trashier and with a smaller boyfriend tagging along (yea, E from Entourage). The hotel is the obvious next step after creating her hideous My-Little-Pony-pastel line and then line of bags that belong at Claire's. So shiny, so pleathery, so "hott," right Paris? So Paris is promoting her new single and album hard core, well the music video is actually soft-core porn, but that's besides the point. And Nicky exclaimed in an article to PEOPLE that this is "her summer."
"I'm on my Tippy Toes!"
Whoa! Watch it bitch, Par-ho is on to you and your I-need-to-open-a-hotel-to-overshadow-Paris ways, watch out sista, literally! The first hotel will open in Miami and will be a more "party theme" and the second will open in my town, Chicago and be a more "relaxed theme." Wow sounds awesomeeeeeee. The Hilton sisters always describe things with so much detail, for example: "That's hot!"(overused, bore) "Firecrotch, hahaha."(Brandon Davis/Lohan escapade) "I'm self-titling my album because that describes me." (Paris' Paris album) "There is going to be a lot of marble and a big chandellier, it's hot." (Nicky describing her new hotels, borrowing from Paris)
Read all the dets here: http://people.aol.com/people/article/0,26334,1211011,00.html

this is a music video, like duh!? it's free, it's not $5.99 plus tax at your local mo or hotel.