if i had anger problems, i might have done this too...

remember the post i did a while back about "woo'ers?" oh yea..the "woo'ers" the ones that have to woo all over themselves and everyone else in spin class, step class, chisel class, whathaveyou class. the ones on wheel of fortune that just miss the bankruptcy tile and then guess "is there a w?" how about the "woo'ers" who hear bon jovi 'livin' on a prayer' for the umpteenth time in their favorite dive bar, but still get excited and woo all over the place?
ok...i digress. the pressing matter this morning is the article a friend of mine found on a man who had "SPIN RAGE" - well the man, a trader (so much energy, so much rage about numbers and money!!), acted on all of the "woo'ing" that was getting to him, and got off of his bike picked up the "woo'ers'" bike and proceeded to throw him with the bike into the wall. then "woo'er" got back on his bike to ride again (it's that addicting people!!) but had to stop because he felt injured (oh...maybe a lil) and then called 911 to have them take him off in a stretcher.
what would you do during that spin class? would you just keep spinning and go with it? treat it as side action to keep you pumped up? did the instructor do anything? it was equinox in NYC...where "celebrities and wealthy business men" (traders and investment bankers, right?) workout...i'm sure everyone just let it happen...you get pissy in NY when the city smells bad, the trains are packed and then you get to go home to a 5x5 apartment. sounds like bliss to me.
read this article for the full scoop on the "spin rage" at equinox