do you think you could play the oregon trail on this thing?
it's so big, i don't know what to do with myself?
you don't need anything else but the iphone. one device will do it all and how will all the other cell phone companies match up? they're going to have to work so much harder because now every feature like: email, internet, v-cast, bleep-bleep (nextel/sprint), camera, video camera, mp3 player, calendar seems like a JV basketball player that will never make Varsity, even though he's a senior. where do electronics go from here? maybe the next phone will also be a car or a bike or a mo-ped/motorcycle - whichever mode of transportation you prefer? i think the iphone commericals are pretty lame - wooo, show me the features with a creepy voice narrating it all. just show me the features, don't talk and play some catchy indie band's song in the background, maybe add in some color backgrounds like the popular ipod commercials and then the mac & PC guy chillin' in the background too. from the ipod commercials to the mac & PC commercials, these do not even reach the pull-up bar. i think Conan got it right though...
random fact from Apple & Co. managed to keep a lid on (iphone's)development for two and a half years
and the grand finale: Gawker's Kreepie Kats take on the iphone madness: (click to enlarge)
(source: Pretty on the Outside) that's right, Paris is out just in time to ho her shit all over the Hamptons! i know they couldn't keep her locked up in there during the 4th of july, there is no WAY! and of course...Paris is out, free to spread the clap and crabs to anyone that wants to congratulate her.
i have a few questions...
real severe medical condition? “The doctors were observing me while I was there. They explained to Sheriff [Lee] Baca that they thought I was having severe anxiety, panic attacks, claustrophobia.”
what's the first thing you do when you get out of prison, you heiress, you? The heiress had a 9:30 at-home appointment Tuesday morning with DreamCatchers Hair Extensions, who gave the Simple Life star 20 inch-long hair extensions. who would you write letters to while you're in prison? THE MOST RELIABLE NEWS SOURCE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, DUH! (click image to enlarge)
what gives you the right to do this, brit and bro-ho?