Tuesday, September 11, 2007


is all i have to say to Britney fans, especially those that thought she was going to make a come back. talk about continuing the downward spiral. i wish the cameras at the VMAs would have spanned the crowd a little more to get the REAL reactions from the celebs watching her make a fool of herself and perform as if robotic and unamused with little or no energy, going through the motions jiggling her post baby stomach about. was she on anti-depressants? yes, pretty sure she was. was she on drugs? alcohol? a mixture of PCP, acapulco gold and acid? um, that's a positive.

i am going to keep laughing as the trailer trash keeps living out her trailer trash life in the public eye. it's a great reality show on trailer life, y'all!

look for more: rollers in her hair while doing errands. tator tot & small fry running wild in department stores and gucci, fendi, kitson & starbucks y'all! a few more "hair" incidents." some more exclusive "hot new Britney Spears" leaks that suck suck suck. K-Fed winning the custody battle and then raising the lil ones in a gold & platinum plated trailer. Britney hanging out with Andrew Dice Clay, Carrot Top, the 5th Baldwin brother, Tootie from Facts of Life and Webster at Area, the Roosevelt and Marquee.




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