Thursday, August 16, 2007

and i'm making more chapters, more chapters, more chapters

in the name of golden showers, pre-teens, midgets and the Rrr'a - TRAPPED IN THE CLOSET is back...well it debuted on Monday, Chapters 13-22, too a sort of poor opening. we have not had enough of this hip-hopera have we? i saw it live (chapters 1-12) and let me tell you, as horrible as the lyrics are and as ridiculous as the plot lines are, it takes a real performer to get through all of that dialogs ALONE...of course, the Rrr'a didn't want anyone else stealing his thunder, so he had to play all of the parts - i mean, really the only one capable of that is Eddie Murphy, and Mike Myers pulled it off in Austin Powers and So, I Married an Axe Murderer.

enjoy the re-cap of chapters 1-12 (above) as R. takes you on a trip down memory lane "through Chi-town, Chi-town, Chi-town"
note: he always repeats his last line before the chorus in 3's and the last one kind of trails's remarkable, really. (ex: "and she was tossing my salad, my salad, my salaaad" -'sex in the kitchen' from the chocolate factory album)

for more hip-hopera by the master of "i had no idea she was 12" click here


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't believe there can POSSIBLY be anything more to say in this rockopera. i remember when kevin and i first saw it, we literally had our mouths agape for the entire show.

1:23 PM  
Blogger sub rOcka said...

OH YES..there actually IS MORE to say - word on the street is that he is making more chapters currently...23-100?

Like the chapters before it, the 22nd chapter ends with a cliffhanger. Does that mean there are more chapters to come? Kelly says he's not sure when the series will be done, but says it will finish "when the aliens decide to leave."

On the Net:

11:12 AM  

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