Thursday, March 29, 2007

are you a discount TJer or a snobby organic eating WFer?

the grocery store wars! the natural, good-for-you, dairy-free, ORGANIC, no pesticides, no GMO (what is that?), flax seed, kefir-lovin' boutique grocery stores. admit it, you hipster, you love them. i do, i prefer Trader Joe's (on my budget) and think that Whole Foods has probably the best produce your daddy's credit card can buy. i'm totally involved in all of this madness here in Chicago, but this is on a small scale compared to the MADNESS (so much MADNESS going on lately between this and SANJAYA MALAKAR) in New York right now.

New Yorkers are going bonkers for the NEW WHOLE FOODS that just opened on the Lower East Side. i heard from a few friends in NY that everyone is going crazy about it "ORGANIC FOOD in my neighborhood! I CAN'T TAKE IT!" "Can you believe it that Whole Foods is opening? SOY MILK, MAN!" (things like that). there have been lines outside of WF just to get in (apparently it's not BIG enough for the crazy NYers and their organic demands) and on opening day people were waiting outside like they were giving away X Box 360s, but no, just lots of pricey ORGANIC FOOD and SOY. we love healthy food (which is great), but do we love it because it's trendy...or because we really like sucking down some Flax Seed oil? i happen to like the taste of weird foods, which includes most kinds of foods and lots of odd things that WF and TJs sell, but i am not sold on the idea that everything that shops there enjoys the health-nut foods.

like an H&M to a Forever 21, Trader Joe's was not going to take this one lying down. oh hell no, Trader Joe's was not going to allow Whole Foods to come in a dominate the hungry organic loving NY grocery shopping hipsters/trend followers - they were going to profit off of this madness too and Trader Joe's in the East Village opened it's doors about a week ago.

check out this hilarious video from GAWKER of Joshua David Stein reporting LIVE from Whole Foods in the Lower East side.

GAWKER'S coverage of this GROCERY STORE MADNESS! (click here)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no shit. we always used to go to a huge WF in Omaha and people just wandered around not knowing wtf they were doing, and walked out with like $150 worth of pork, beef and wine. is this success, from WF's standpoint? maybe. i think i heard someone whisper, as i entered the store, "YOU DONT HAVE TO UNDESTAND IT, JUST OBEY IT."

actually, i used to call WF the Unitarian Church of Omaha, but I'm probably going to get mail on that one.

12:02 PM  
Blogger sub rOcka said...

i like that statement "YOU DON'T HAVE TO UNDERSTAND IT, JUST OBEY IT!" we are all mechanical organic food lovin' hippies, and you CAN'T FIGHT IT! (because it's "in")

12:41 PM  

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