Tuesday, March 06, 2007

the really really really HAPPY HOUSEWIVES of Orange County

you totally watch this show, you know you do. i'll admit it, i will watch most reality TV, usually on MTV, VH1 and Bravo...i get completely sucked in like a 50% off of the already 50% off merchandise at Urban, it just happens.

last season, i watched these ladies from apparently the "real O.C." or Coto, a suburb in the O.C., and they weren't as bad as this season. last season, i saw ridiculous shopping sprees, over-protective moms, someone going from poor to rich and back to poor again, a may-december romance falling apart and then back together and just stupid comments all across the board.

this season, it has been a lot of crap. lots and lots of "me me me" going on. some underlying reasons revealed of why they really are on a reality show. no one asks themselves "how did i get myself signed up for this?" they all just love love love every minute of it. oh and guess what, Jo, has always wanted to be a singer! really? no shit! and everyone on I Love New York is an aspiring actor. why has reality TV led so many to believe that they can spring a career off of a show? not one person from reality TV has (unless they were already a celeb beforehand)--but they can enjoy a life of bar promotions and "college tours" and "challenges" (like the Real World/Road Rules and Laguna crew).

the reality celebrity is somewhat of a step even below the D List, a place that not even the alphabet can describe. it's the kind of "celebrity" that gets you noticed on the street, but after that no one really cares. and that kind of "celebrity" does not last that long -- really the term 15 minutes of fame is right, because a new reality show with some other aspiring actor or singer is airing the next day. do these reality "stars" do anything to really entertain us? it's really just the writers, producers and directors prompting them to say things.

so back to what is ailing me today -- i happened to go on Pretty on the Outside.com (which is actually the perfect site for the Real Housewives of Orange County). i saw some pretty accurate illustrations of the Housewives and prompted me to remember this ridiculous episode and just how fricken "HAPPY" they all are!

picture this scene:
the ladies just get out of a RHOC photo shoot and are on top of the world and feeling pretty right, since they're post-botox and/or surgery, they all walk outside and low and behold (trust me, he didn't plan it with the producers or anything so that all of America could see WHAT gift he got her), a new Mercedes black convertible, the one that costs about $100,000 (maybe only 20 in the world), is sitting there with a big red bow on top and it's for poor-to-rich-to-poor-to NEWLY RICH-Lauri! her new fiance' of about 6 months has bought her a new car and all the women are drooling. Vicki is just dying, especially since Lauri quit working for her because she doesn't have to work anymore. Vicki screams "you are so LUCKY!" but really means "I DESERVE THIS CAR, NOT YOU HO!" the moment is priceless and at that moment you can see how unfulfilling their "keeping up" lifestyle really is. then Jo (the 24 year old who is dating/engaged/fucking a 40 year old man) jumps into the car and is like, OMG ("I will totally have this car if I dump Slade and fuck all of Hollywood while trying to get a singing career"). the rest of the ladies are like, "wow" and just proceed to their regular mercedes or luxury SUVs feeling like total trash! Vicki gets into her extended suburban and curses Lauri all the way home (well that wasn't on tape, but you can just imagine).


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