i can't just IGNORE baldy
i mean, it's HUGE right. Brit really knows how to upstage the sudden death of a celebrity, doesn't she? that's right, BUZZ IT. according to OK! magazine:
the adoring fans are checking out. her album she was supposedly recording was rejected, KFed was in a super bowl commercial, everyone saw her hoo ha like 10 times even my grandma did (how many people can say that about their hoo ha!)
what about plan B? it could have changed everything...
[source: Brankspankin.com]
FedEx and Brit got into a huge fight on Friday, the day she so memorably shaved off all her hair.
"They had a huge argument," says the mag. "Kevin threatened Britney that he was going to have people test her hair to find out exactly what she's been up to. She was so scared. That was what made her have her head shaved."
i'm just trying to figure out if there was ever a way out of this? could she have gone back, before she cheated on JT and he smeared the story all over his song and music video "Cry Me a River?" could she have been high when she first met KFed and thought he was good looking and not the horrible attempt to be the second coming of Vanilla Ice? i don't think that she ever wanted to change really, think about it...she was a trailer trash success story and even though she walked around in flip flops sometimes or usually barefoot (mainly in gas station bathrooms), had one thick accent that emphasized her bad english, the.worst.fashion.sense.ever she still had more money than she probably ever imagined, and adoring fans.the adoring fans are checking out. her album she was supposedly recording was rejected, KFed was in a super bowl commercial, everyone saw her hoo ha like 10 times even my grandma did (how many people can say that about their hoo ha!)
what about plan B? it could have changed everything...

It has been downhill since the loss of JT. But it was bound to end. Do you think JT would put up with this shit now?
I don't know. I am going to buy her hair and have someone at MSU drug hair analysis lab take a look at it.
Furthermore, your readers want to hear your thoughts on the Anna Nicole clown tape.
-Randall Chudd
Please post the Britney Spears-Anna Nicole Clown Porn tape here.
oh man, i saw the Anna Nicole clown tape..that was odd, but reminded me of the good 'ol Anna Nicole show on E! back in day.
sorry anon- can't post anymore about baldy, she's ruining my mantra
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