Wednesday, June 21, 2006

all of YOUR wildest dreams are coming TRUE!

Remember Pedro's promise to his high school if he were to become President? To make "everyone's wildest dreams come true?"

It definitely reminds me of a certain classmate named Eric, who ran against one of the most popular guys in 8th grade, for President. His entire campaign was based around his promise to provide us "colored water" in all of our school's drinking fountains. It sounded great to some, weird to others and inconceivable to most. It was his thing, but middle school was not a movie and everyone ended up voting in the "cool kid," what else did you expect?

But then there was "Napoleon Dynamite," the genuis of a film that made rural in and bow hunting skills a new popular "like" or "hobby/interest" on tweens and teens, MySpace, Facebook, Friendster's categories. Apparently Pedro really does have skills and (watch out, your wildest dream is just now coming true), he is on TOUR!

[Napoleon Dynamite’s surprise success and the subsequent merchandising bonanza of cheap knockoff Pedro shirts has done nothing but help this aspiring DJ. With his rave and dance-party promotions company, Nocturnal Rampage, Ramirez has managed to create a thriving side project, fueled largely by the success of his memorable role as Napoleon’s sidekick. Ramirez, who learned to DJ from his brothers at an early age, has been running his company for the better part of three years, and he’d be the first person to admit that he’s milking the cult popularity of Napoleon Dynamite for all it’s worth. “Demand for our music has gotten so much higher,” Ramirez says. “We used to sell our CDs at music festivals for $20, but now they’ve gone to about $40. Other promoters want me to host their shows, but my time is already so short due to my acting and music.”

The only disappointing aspect of his fame is the way his sudden recognizability has hobbled his otherwise sociable nature. “The last time I performed,” he says, “security had to take people down from the stage because they kept trying to climb up. It’s sort of cool and I don’t mind, but it had gotten really crazy. Security has to take me through the back to avoid fans. I used to like to walk through the crowd at shows and talk to the audience, but I can’t really do that anymore without getting pulled left and right.”]

do your thang Pedro... do your thangggggg!

I wish I would have known this earlier. He was at the Apartment this weekend in the LP, whoops...I missed him. Did anyone check out his "skills?"


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