Thursday, June 22, 2006


Hardass Cancels AOL Account

I love this! because it is so true. When I tried to cancel my AOL account, the same thing happened to me. They asked me about 50 personal/random questions not pertaining to the reason I called: to cancel AOL .

Ferrari had heard horror stories from other people so decided to record the call. This AOL guy did get fired, but that's 1 down in the masses of customer service employees that are probably trained to "at all costs, do not let them cancel the account. break them down! make them realize AOL is not shitty! they will not cancel!"

Ferrari is a hero to us all, what a hard ass. "I don't know what someone did to you..." (AOL guy)
You know what they did, they f'ed with Vincent, that's what!

Ferarri was last seen driving with this vanity plate:


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