Friday, November 02, 2007

I might make grammatical errors every now and then...

heading back to E.L. for the MICHIGAN/MICHIGAN STATE game...a big game for us, although some UofM fans have referred to this game as a "bigger rivalry for MSU than it is for them," apparently they have bigger fish to fry like OSU...which they'll lose to again this year. i love when the game is at MSU...because the UM'ers actually get a chance to see what a real college experience is like, if they do choose to visit the banks of the red cedar. although a lot of UM fans won't brave the trip to E.L. because for them it's like "slumming it," right? RIGHT? haha. MSU is not a place for lame partiers with weak stomachs.

i'm looking forward to going back to State, my home for 4 years and the only place in Michigan where partying is an art. i am going to be training my UM boyf, because frankly he'll need some help from me this weekend if he's going to survive...

TAILGATE: some of you reading this that might have gone to UM (or are just UM fans who never went there and own a Wolverines Starter jacket) have no clue what this term really means. i'm sure you're a little confused, so let me clarify:

here are the rules and guidelines to TAILGATE at MSU:
1. no matter what time the game starts (12pm, 3:30pm, 7pm) we always start EARLY. and EARLY means, get yourself out of bed (earlier than you would if you actually went to class) and throw on some green & white and grab a case or a fifth, some beer coozies, tennies &'s gonna be a long day. 8am is usually how we get it started, ripping shots on the tennis courts or bonging a beer on campus...since drinking is free game once you enter the campus, open containers are welcome all over the place (once we did some beer bongs in the Comm building)
2. hit a few spots during tailgate, you've got time if you start early, as many do. the tennis courts are where the alum usually go, but some frosh find their way over there since there are dorms right across the street (Wilson, Wonders, Case, Holden). my suggestion: on your way to campus hit up a frat party for free booze, rip a shot, shot-gun a beer. next go to the courts and spend most of your time drinking, playing flip cup and cornhole. keep an eye out for ridiculousness, it sometimes feels like you're watching the greatest college movie of all time. top off your tailgate with a stop at "the rock" the undergrad hot spot (mainly frats and sororities, but there is a DJ there and you might see a couch thrown in the air)
3. don't pick a fancy drink. you've got to drink all day, i mean alllll day - your breakfast is alcohol, your lunch is alcohol with a side of tailgate food and then you need to pony-up and head to the bars afterwards and later that night as well. so take it from me, Kahlua and milk for 5 hours is not a good idea (or finding out you're lactose intolerant in between drinks 5&6). be safe, drink beer, maybe some liquor (usually just shots) - beer will keep you on top of your drunk ass game all day long.
4. MSU football is not about going to the game. we tailgate and we tailgate hard. if you don't make it to the game people won't make fun of you, this also opens up a lot of student tickets for sale between 10 minutes before game and halftime (if you want to go to the game)...if you head to "the rock" and find the drunk ones who are wavering, see if they want to sell their student section ticket. although the UM/MSU game tics might be going for more, if you find a drunk enough student the ticket will be close to free.
5. if you do go to the game, it's all about having fun in the student section. it's a good time (i had season tickets all 3 years) and whether we win or lose, we still know we have way more fun than any other school...

with all of that being said...i would love a STATE victory tomorrow, it would be an awesome way to add to your good season and a great way to add to UofM's Appalachian State wound. OUCH!

GAME ON! oh...and SPARTY ON! (it was once shouted out at a wedding i went to this summer and although i have heard it many times before, this "time & place" setting for the term was quite hilarious)

articles on the big game:
The State News: MSU benefits outweigh U-M arrogance
A Michigan Daily writer in The State News:
Rivalry game? MSU vs. U-M football isn't
(my favorite quote from this one in response to the MSU hate mail he received last year:
"Most of the messages were pretty heated, some had threats tied in and a couple (OK, nearly all) had glaring grammatical errors. Was I upset? Hardly. To be honest, I was pretty excited to learn that Moo U had at least 147 quasi-literate students."
Detroit News
- More than a game: 100 years of the Michigan-Michigan State rivalry
Detroit Free Press - Running to glory? Ringer looks to make amends for missing last year's game

BONUS: now that the football season is half way over - i had to post a little about State B-ball. everyone knows that Spartans are more excited about the basketball season, we like football, but our faith has always been in the basketball team. the AP/ESPN/USA Today has ranked State as #8 this year!! ranked just above Indiana, the only 2 Big Ten teams ranked pre-season.

Izzo, a god.


Blogger kristine said...

kev & i had a great time tailgating with you and ryan...we watched the game from home and screamed when mich started throwing those last touchdowns. NBC kept zooming in on bereft MSU fan faces.

11:25 AM  
Blogger sub rOcka said...

i'm so glad you guys came to the tailgate!! i was upset for about 2.5 seconds after we lost and then realized it was just a football game and i should be really worried about who this ron paul guy is anyways! good to see you guys :)

4:46 PM  

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