Monday, February 05, 2007

rewind your mind after a food/alcohol induced woo-ha-ha

it was a "woo" fest last night, for about...let's say the 1st quarter. the poor chicagoans who are real bears fans, who grew up in the big Ill, those that got their heart broken last night, i feel for them. REMEMBER THE TIGERS? if i was a betting woman, i would have gone with the colts since my dad & grandfather who are betting men, went with them. it would have been nice to the see the bears win it all.

and here we are...ribs still stuck in the back of our teeth, burping up cupcakes and beer trying to remember what commercials we laughed at last night. i remember a few, but had google video/youtube remind me. refresh yourself, watch them HERE

(Prince knows how to "Do Something Manly")

of all the commercials, of course the K Fed spot sticks out but also the Snicker's "Do Something Manly" commercial got the most laughs out of me.

e*trade went for the "Inside Man" approach, but had a good message "you're not getting much interest on your money if it just sits in the bank, oh and we're assholes too." shocking and a great point of view.

sierra mist had some random spots, most were just slap stick, but the "comb-over" spot gives the Donald a run for his money. And according to Ivanka, Melania does his hair every morning....hmmm, off topic yes, but interesting fact. "it's the beard comb-over, isn't it?"

there were so many damn budweiser spots, that it makes me many alcoholics does it take to give bud such a large advertising budget? my favorite bud commercial was the one for bud light titled "class mencia." a lot of un-PC laughing going on with that commercial. do americans just love to make fun of broken english? oh yes we do.

the honorable mentions go to:

Emerald Nuts "Robert Goullet" spot (by the way, this company has great spots, and they're so random, although i have never seen these nuts in the grocery store yet)

Career Builder "Promotions Pit" spot -- "I WANT THE PROMOTION!" work is like braveheart, with printers and staplers as your weapons. game on cube buddy!

Career Builder "Jungles & Darts" spot -- the swinging water coolers are key in this spot.

Sprint's "Connectile Dysfunction" -- Viagra and Cialis no longer have a greater purpose, the INTERNET is way more important PEOPLE!


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