how about you put your BOX in a BOX!

i'm sorry she annoys me...and it's quite funny that she was trying to ruin JT's golden globe's night out with his mom. he was with his MOM, can't cammy just box it up for the night (her verbs & adjectives not her box)! if JT and Brit got back together, would Iran like us and S. Korea not plan to annihilate us? just a thought...
will dick in a box stay around like the sunday morning rap...(which pretty much amped up youtube and made everyone aware that you can re-watch (the few good, recent) SNL skits over and over again at work, crack up while everyone next to your cube wonders if you just got a good forward (wait, those don't exsist) or found a hilarious "last night's party" picture of your oakley-O-O-O-face co-worker! (you know, the guy that wears his sunglasses inside even when it is gloomy outside, then proceeds to put the oakley's behind his head like headphones. so f-in cool man. you ROCK! (oh, they're yellow oakley's too)).

live-on, live-strong DICK IN A BOX skit!
1.) Love the box theme.
2.) The O face guy looks lke my former supervisor, Muffinhead.
3.) I tried to download Dick In A Box on iTunes, but it didn't work... all I could get was the ENTIRE SNL with JT on it. I am not going to sit through 90 minutes of weird Andy Gibb jokes just to se the greatest And Gibb joke of all: Dick In A Box. Good suggestion on the YouTube.
4.) Cameron is haggard-looking.
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