Friday, November 17, 2006

who's right? who's wrong? who's an ass? who's dumb?

so tomorrow. huge game. the rivarly is hotter than lohan's fire crotch in cancun. i know, i know. where does a spartan fit into all of this? well, we hate U of M, we really do. they beat us, they always beat us really good...EXCEPT FOR THAT ONE GAME SOPHOMORE YEAR, 2002...what an amazing game, and at our home field too. anyways back to the player hatin'...the reason we hate them, is not because we envy them, it's because when they beat us 55-0, they still are asses about it. they can't win their easy football game against us and then get wasted with us (because lord knows we drink and they study), they have to STAY SOBER after the win and taunt us until someone ends up burning a couch or hitting them in the head with a keg. also, i have been told many times that i am dumb for going to MSU...but i seem to know a few prestigious U of M grads that work in retail right now, oh snap, you need a degree for that? yes...a degree that says: I AM BETTER THAN YOU.

ok, on to the game. every year I secretly root for OSU for this game because of the treatment I have received from a many U of M fan (and by the way, most of the U of M fans never even went to school there). let me say this before i root for Ohio State tomorrow, I do have some great friends from U of M, yes they are die hard fans...and yes they have never insulted me because they went to U of M and I went to State, we still get along. also, I happen to have a boyfriend that graduated from U of M, and he knows he's with a hot MSU girl, rock on.

here is what ESPN is saying about the game, but most of all the rivarly:

(example of OSUers being just scarred for life)
It is true that the late Ohio State coach Woody Hayes, who did more to pump up the negative feelings in the rivalry than any man, refused to fill up his car in the state of Michigan.

"I'll tell you why we don't," Hayes said, according to the seminal book, "Woody Hayes and the 100-Yard War." "It's because I don't buy one goddam drop of gas in the state of Michigan. We'll coast and push this goddam car to the Ohio line before I give this state a nickel of my money!"
(this guy might be crazy)

It is true that Michigan, leading 55-0 late in the 1946 game, lined up and kicked a field goal.
(are you sure that wasn't vs. MSU?)

It is true that in 1970, a local judge in Columbus dismissed a charge of obscenity against a defendant arrested for wearing a T-shirt that said, "F--- Michigan" because the message "accurately expressed" local feelings about the university and the state.
(how about Muck Fichigan? it totally goes under the radar)

(and finally...Ohioians may be crazy or they really could care less about state government)
It is true that, by state law, the Franklin County (Ohio) Board of Elections is supposed to begin counting the provisional ballots cast in this month's 15th Congressional District race on Nov. 18. Rep. Deborah Pryce leads challenger Mary Jo Kilroy by 3,536 votes. However, the board will not begin to count the votes until Nov. 19 so that the counters may watch the Ohio State-Michigan game.

great story from a hotel worker in Columbus, found this one on

There was a slight problem with overbooking at the Blackwell and ESPN Gameday lost their rooms (money talks when it comes to endowment funds). All of the downtown hotels are full, but there were a few rooms available. Unfortunately there wasn't a room at the nice lofty hotel for Lee Corso.

So the lofty hotel placed a call to the person who had reserved a bunch of rooms for his buddies ... let's call him "#27."

Hotel to "#27:" Would you mind giving up your room for Corso so the whole gameday staff can be in one building (minus Kirk who will be staying at house in c-bus)?"
#27's response: Tell Corso he can Fu@# me!

and one more for the road...from
If Michigan fans need a plan on how to survive Columbus unmolested, here's a handy primer.

ahhh...gotta love it! good luck to both teams...although i will be with my U of M boyfriend watching the game I will be secretly rooting for a different kind of victory...GO SPARTANS! hahahaha

(R.I.P. Bo)


Blogger Marisa said...

Maris, you have broken my heart...

1:18 PM  

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