i've got a book for you if you want to read about crap for sale

Sky Maul: Happy Crap You Can Buy From a Plane (amazon.com) is a hilarious parody book that just came out, sounds funny (gawker wrote about it, so did some other sites), looks funny (from the amazon.com sneak peek i got)...and if you're lucky enough to catch the show in NY they are performing Sky Maul at the Upright Citizens Brigade this weekend.
some of the products/crap include:
- a Whore-ganizer (blackberry just for your hoes)
- an iPod shredder, because they always malfunction
- a bandana-ganizer, made just for KFed
sounds just as useful as the crap they really sell in the sky mall.
*how many douche bags read that and go and try and order the Whore-ganizer...thousands i bet! that would be the ultimate douche device.
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