how do you feel about naked man-on-man tumbling?

i think all of the Borat clips floating around the internet, between YouTube and MySpace are actually better than the entire movie itself. it was funny, i laughed out loud a lot, i covered my eyes more times than i could count and felt embarassed almost every 5 minutes througout the movie.
the movie felt like deja vu at many points, not because i know a Kasakhstani just like Borat or that i experienced so many experience just like the broken-english speaking, large mustache-wearing sexist pig, but that i had already seen most of the good parts in the previews. much like Ricky Bobby, the best parts were already given away in the previews. WHY DO THEY DO THAT? then instead of lauging at that point in the movie, i go..."ha," (with no actual laugh, just words).
you will most likely feel embarassed for Borat a lot, feel offended (very offended if you do not realize that he is jewish, and makes ridiculous jewish jokes...i.e. "the running of the jews" in his town). many people were gasping...yes, there were maybe too many un-PC comments or jokes for the blue state of Illinoians, but you have to understand Sacha Baron Cohen's humor and know his track record. he is known for fully committing to a character (Alli G) and convincing those that he interviews (of course, that don't already know that he is just an actor, not some British eminem wanna be) that he is who he says he is and is from a legitimate news syndicate/broadcasting company.
i give this movie 3 and a quarter stars (imagine Ed McMahon on Star Search)...hilarious, shocking, great use of stereotypes (frat boys, southerners, texas COWBOYS! AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!). the reason i can't give it a 4 is that it wasn't all new material for my eyes and honestly there were some Broke Back Mountain parts in the movie that i would have been totally fine without seeing. and i'm not talking about 2 studs (gyllenho & heathy), i'm talking about 2 extremely hairy men, one extremely large. not to give it away...or anything.
the funniest thing about this movie is that over 5 million people (or more) will probably see this movie and the fact that they will all experience the man-on-man naked tumbling for almost over 5 minutes, makes me crack up everytime i think about it!
(note: would have been posted earlier if blogger was able to load pics!)
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