and the quote of the day is...

you might remember that confusing and extensive diagram of the love of l.lo in PEOPLE. i posted about it, it took forever...there were so many "lovas" i didn't know where to begin and when it actually was going to end. to affirm speculation that she lets all the boys ride on her strawberry bike, coming straight from the raunchy gossip capital of London, here we have it:
"Sex And The City changed everything for me because those girls would just sleep with so many people. And that's me. I'm not dating just one person. It is the variety of partners everyone likes, especially at my age. I'm like Angelina Jolie, taking on lovers. I don't need a steady relationship. I mean if the sex is bad, the relationship's not going anywhere. Anyway, I don't even think I have had my best kiss yet. My mom's going to kill me for talking about sleeping with people!"
[source: News of the World]
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