Tuesday, June 13, 2006

i'm BURNING like a phoenix in my pants!

"I'm burning up, burning up for your love." -Madonna, c. 1988

Sorry everyone, I can't help but quote Madonna (going to the concert this Sunday since my amazing boyfriend got tickets for my birthday!) and be so so so excited about a little company I am so fortunate to be involved in called BurnLounge.

I just got back from Vegas and while I was there we launched 1.0, learned some exciting new installments, heard 10 bands play at the conference (many were exclusive bands to BL), heard Marc Gill of Warner Indie Films, George Daniels- a Chicago music legend, amongst many others tell us how BurnLounge is changing the game for digital music and distribution and no other company has a business model even close to what we have. If this interests you, read on. If not, just check out my site and check out these bands who I heard this weekend that I personally recommend:

Just Jinjer (from S. Africa) - their album is exclusively on BurnLounge and is featured on my BurnLounge site: www.chicagoburn.com

Lynden (rock band from Nashville) - their album is exclusively on BurnLounge as well (be sure to download: I'm on Fire - which is featured on the new BL commercial)

After this weekend we got some awesome press and here is one article from yahoo biz:

If you're still reading...go to http://www/burnlounge.com or http://corp.burnlounge.com/ - learn about the company, search for retailers sites (Kanye West, Danica Patrick, Dale Earhardt Jr., Black Eyed Peas, Hootie and the Blowfish, Ted Nugent, Justin Timberlake all have sites--and many more)

I can't tell you how excited I am about this company, see ya later iTunes, we have so much mroe music than them, more artistic freedom, indie bands you won't find anywhere else...and obviously it's just cool.

WANT MORE? When you go to my site, there are links at the bottom with more info, one specifically that links to the new BL commercial, check it out...well worth it.


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