what a flamer...pun intended.

read Mike Z. McIntee's account of Letterman last night with extra speeecial guest, Richard Simmons (my personal favorite):
Wednesday, November 29, 2006 -- Show #2666
by Michael Z. McIntee
News From The Late Show Home Office
And Richard has become an inventor. He's come up with his new food steamer. We have one behind the desk which Richard struggles to lift. He finally gets it on the desk but the tray it was on dangles from it. Uh oh. I know this isn't good. Richard doesn't understand why that tray is even attached to his steamer. It's awkward just hanging there and finally, with Dave's help, the tray is place under the steamer. Richard explains how it works and presses the on button. Seconds later, it begins to smoke. Richard isn't at all pleased at the joke we pulled. But the joke isn't over. The steamer suddenly explodes into a ball of fire, chasing Richard out of his chair and over to Paul. Dave got a good laugh out of that. With that, we send Richard off with hopes of seeing him again soon. The Richard Simmons steamer. I like the looks of that thing. It may be on my Christmas list, because 2007 is the year I get back into high school shape. You better get a photo of me now because you won't see this body again.
Back from commercial, we see a slow motion replay of Richard's reaction to his exploding steamer. The fire flash scared the dickens out of him. And it's a good thing he wasn't oiled up as much as usual. Could have been catastrophic.
i'm not sure if you know of Richard and Dave's relationship, but it's pretty bad. Dave just hates Richard, can never get a word in edgewise when he is on the show and at Richie's last appearance, Dave fire extinguished him and he passed out! Gotta love the "DAVE" tank top that Simmons is wearing. Did anyone see Simmons on Enterntainment Tonight when he went back to New Orleans after Katrina, he grew up there, and was running around the big easy in fresh white tennies and striped running shorts and a tank top? he was running around, crying, screaming...i could not stop laughing and I mean no disrespect to New Orleans, but i don't know how Simmons made such a disasterous incident look so flaming...
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