just like Bill O'Reilly turned on Ludacris...

ok, so back to the biznaz, looks like 50 (PAGE SIX is reporting), called Oprah an OREO. i'm not really sure how Nabisco feels about this, but i can see it now: every suburban mom, grandma, aunt, whathaveyou, boycotts 50 cent, as if most of them aren't already scared of him...but now it's WAR. "Tell your kids not to buy his album, his video game, his clothes, his sneakers...because I'm Oprah godddddddddamit." yup, you're done 50...
OPRAH Winfrey is really an Oreo - black on the outside but white on the inside, according to 50 Cent. In the January issue of Elle, the rapper says Winfrey "started out with black women's views but has been catering to middle-aged white American women for so long that she's become one herself. I think the idea of being publicly noted that she's a billionaire makes [black women] interested in seeing her views. But it's even more exciting to the demographic of white American women she's been aiming at to see that she has the exact same views that they have."

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