hahaha, oh yesssssssssss

ONLY 3 LEFT ON THE VIEW...it's just great, love it. Anyone just want to see Babwa Wawa alone on The View, interviewing influencial people in her flirtacious ways with her amazing lisp? OH, I do! This morning The View even removed Star's picture from the opening credits...I mean that's just one less pic of Star the viewers have to see...but apparently we have all not seen the last of her, even though E! did not renew her Red Carpet crap pre-show shit...she is using her departure from The View as a tool to get interviews and so far people still want to hear about her and Wawa's bitchiness, wooo exciting. Blah blah blah.
"And then there were three," Barbara joked. The audience laughs and then the Walters says, "Star made the announcement yesterday that she was leaving the show, and we were surprised by her announcement yesterday. However, Star also made some other announcements yesterday that have been quite unpleasant. The truth is, Star has known that she was leaving the show for quite some time now and the network refused to renew her contract for reasons that I will not go into now. However, we wanted to give her extra time to find a new job and exit the show gracefully. We told her she could say anything she wanted to, but she made other announcements yesterday as well. The View made Star a star, and Star made the View a successful show. We wish her all the best."
Check out a clip of Wawa just giving it to Star (she apparently did not show up today unannounced and did not take her regularily scheduled town car to the studio)

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