Monday, October 09, 2006

one hell of a week in review: Mark Foley

how many dirty IM convos did you read last week? and I'm not talking about your own! i read a few of the Fole-Dog's convos at work last week and felt like i was breaking the law, hopefully no one saw me reading them...but they were posted on ABC!!!

Gawker, never ceases to crack me up, did a week in Review of MAF54 and it went a little something like this....HIT IT! (sound of a 17-yr-old boy humping a bed post or something like that):

Gawker's Week in Review: Mark Foley for AOL Instant Messenger
(AOL should really look into it...)

and Clive Davis, Simon Cowell, Randy (something), Paula Abdul...they all were behind this too (Clay wasn't in this picture for obvious reasons!! Chat rooms!!)


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