Tuesday, August 22, 2006

In other words, they think he SUCKS ass

FYI K-FED, K-FIZZLE, MR. SPEARS, the hip-hop community doesn't want you, (just an FYI):

"I just think we ignore him [Federline]. He's a joke, basically. I just don't think he gets it. He doesn't get that he's Britney's man and it's hard to take him seriously."

- Elliot Wilson, editor in chief of XXL magazine

"The thing that really hurts him is the fact that he's perceived as Britney's husband. You know, kinda like Britney's second - I don't even want to say second in command, but - he's like the Britney Boy. He's like Mrs. Spears, and it's kinda hard to get over that perception."

- Jermaine Hall, executive editor of King magazine


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