Thursday, July 20, 2006

just because they have sticks....

doesn't make them rapists! ok, i am pro-lacrosse, i can't help it. i grew up in a town where lacrosse was a very popular sport and i, myself played lacrosse on a very successful team. but yes, Duke is kind of ruining it for us (well at this moment in time) since it's still fresh in most minds that lacrosse = rape, it's hard to find anything positive about the sport in national news currently. a lot of people in New York seem disgruntled and confused why New York has a new NLL lacrosse team. right now, they are in the process of naming the team and the NY Post's Page Six reports that most of the names have been rejected, because well, they're great:

July 19, 2006 -- NEW York's National Lacrosse League team that's set to play at Madison Square Garden isn't having much luck finding an appropriate name. Team officials have received thousands of suggestions in its ongoing "Name the Team Contest" on the team's temporary Web site, Early contenders include the Chill, the Freedom, the Gothams and the Rage. Those rejected so far include the E-Z Prostitutes, the Muggers, the Smurf Butts, the Stick-Up, the Mafia, the Purple Firetrucks, the Sewer Rats, the Bada Bing, the Sewer Gators, the Naked Guys with Big Stix and the Will Win More Games Than the Knicks.

SEE!! No one will take lacrosse seriously because a few guys wanted a little gang bang with some willing and able strippers! dammit, such a great sport too!

got any good suggestions for New York's NLL lacrosse team? don't use Stick it to a Stripper, that's my suggestion!

Thanks, chi. Your team name, Stick it to a Stripper, has been entered on our team name list. We will review and vote on the top names. Keep visiting our website as our team grows throughout the year and to see if you won the 4 season tickets!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!

2:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

9:56 AM  

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